Nancy was a social being and friends were extremely important to her. She continues to maintain friendships that are almost as old as
she is:
- Barbara (DeGroot) Birge is a close friend whom Nancy has known since kindergarten.
- Nan Johnson she met in college (center in picture on right with Drury group).
- Nancy's friends from Springfield have maintained a "round robin" letter that has circulated for 50 years. (The group has also taken many
trips together.)
- Al Mocher, her close companion for many years, died of Parkinson's disease in 1999.
- Bill Leach, a student of Dick's in 1954, was a close family friend over the years. He died of cancer in 2004.
- Ferd Zienty, Nancy's son-in-law's father, was a good friend for many years. He passed away in 1998.
- Lois (Frick) White has been a friend since they met in Arkansas in 1952.
- Ray and Jackie Betts have been friends since Grinnell, 1961.
Jean (Thomas) Gravel lived across
the street from Nancy when they
were children, and they are
still good friends. |
After Nancy moved back to St. Louis,
she reconnected
with Werner Born, whom she had dated before she met
Dick, and they remain friends. |