Little Rascals
Nancy's best friends were Jean Thomas, who lived across the street, and Jack Hall, who lived next door. The three of them played games of Monopoly that would go on for weeks.

Once Nancy ran away with Jack. Knowing they would need sustenance for their journey, and that nutrition was important, they went to the corner market first, where they charged a milk, peanut butter, jelly, and bread to Nancy's father's account. Then they headed off into a nearby wooded lot and
had a feast. But both Jack's and Nancy's fathers found them before nightfall.
A few years later, Nancy tried to run away again. This time she intended to make her way to a nearby town where a good friend had recently moved. She bundled her clothes and some food together into a suitcase. From her second story bedroom window, she hung a knotted rope, intending to climb down. Unfortunately, the rope banged into the dining room window below, where her parents were seated, and her plans for escape were thwarted.